One big idea: Focus groups are still important. And we’ve been holding them online for years!
In today’s world, social distancing, shuttered focus group venues and public uncertainty about safety outside the home demand an entirely different approach to successful focus groups.
Why it matters: Focus groups offer unmatched ability to test and refine ideas and messaging, informing subsequent quantitative research. Even when a project team has great expertise, focus groups can reveal important information that could otherwise be left unknown. Focus groups are also an excellent forum to test visuals and written communications materials.
How we can help: Our tested, proven online focus groups are easy to use, for up to twelve participants. We still provide an unmatched client experience – handling all discussion guide development, moderation, full transcripts, a video of the group and detailed analysis.
If you’re planning – or were planning – on fielding focus groups, call or e-mail me to discuss options.